Celebration 15 Year

When I go out into nature, I am always fascinated by what I see.  This spring has been full of wonderous flowering plants some familiar to me and some new ones that have introduce themselves, as I walked various gardens in my explorations. Even in my own garden the...

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Nature’s Influence

Nature’s Influence

“Springtime Blooms” In creating art, I find that outside influences inspire me to try to create art that expresses how I feel from within.  Nature continually captivates me.  I finding it a joy to recreate it over and over again, and each time, I hope I am able to...

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Interwoven Coral Reefs Exhibition 

Interwoven Coral Reefs Exhibition 

Interwoven Coral Reefs is a representation of coral reefs found in the oceans throughout the world. Here in the Midwest, we do not live near a reef, and most of us do not give them the attention that they deserve. I chose to create ocean reefs in my art to draw...

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Unlike Anything Else

Unlike Anything Else

At the beginning of the year, I began to ponder the word "Unique."  I first became aware of the word in my 8th grade homeroom class, held in the music room, of my junior high school.  I don’t quite remember what made the music teacher say to me I was unique, but...

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Noticing the Inconspicuous

Noticing the Inconspicuous

It’s a New Year, and with it I am still grappling with another version of the virus which puts me in a state of slowing down and being contemplative both spiritually and creatively. It is also winter, and in the Midwest that mean that nature has gone into a deep...

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Graceful Beauty

Graceful Beauty

Fall came slowly this year, and I was happy with the warm weather that lingered through most of October.  I knew change was coming, but was glad to see some flowers still blooming, as I enjoyed an excursion one early October day, to a community garden not too far from...

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Childlike Imagination

Childlike Imagination

"Chasing Butterflies" There are times in life that make me feel like a small child free and unencumbered by life's chaos and responsibilities. This feeling comes when I am walking in the midst of nature, or lazily sitting on my porch on a warm sunny day.  During these...

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Wildly Diverse has been given an Honarable Metion

Wildly Diverse has been given an Honarable Metion

All Thing Wild II  Exhibition at Framations Gallery in St Charles Mo Exhibit runs from July 16 - Sept 7 An all media exhibit of work focusing on the animal kingdom from the teeny tiny to the great and mighty. I am excited to receive an Honorable Mention for "Wildly...

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Tips on Decorating with Embroidery

Tips on Decorating with Embroidery

Check out the recent Redfin article my tip was featured in: Showcase Embroidery in Your Home: 23 Unique Embroidery Ideas to Elevate Your Space The appearance of needlework in home décor is a definite sign that embroidery is making a comeback. While it’s often thought...

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Traveled Paths

Traveled Paths

"A Path of Beauty" Paths can be found in our homes, in gardens, and in wooded areas.  They make it easy for us to get around and have access to the beauty that nature offers us on any given day.  A path can show us natures secrets, but only if we take the time to...

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Spring Bursting into Bloom

Spring Bursting into Bloom

"Bursting into Bloom" One of the things that I enjoy when I watch a movie is the cinematography, the art of photography and visual storytelling, if done creatively can stay with you long after the movie is over.  There are scenes in a few movies that have captivated...

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A few of My Favorite Things – Seeing with a creative eye

A few of My Favorite Things – Seeing with a creative eye

It is finally spring, and in search for inspiration, I roam around my new community, looking for something that catches my creative eye, and will spark my creative juices.  I find a garden just around the corner from my home on a busy street at a corner house.   I...

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Quilting Art magazine

Quilting Art magazine

It was early March 2020, and I had just finished taping 3 episodes, demonstrating how I create some of my art, for Quilting Arts TV when Vivika Hansen DeNegre Editor of Quilting Arts Magazine approached me.  She asked me if I would consider sharing my art through the...

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UFO and Second Chances

UFO and Second Chances

"Lily Pad Bliss" Have you ever given up on finishing a piece of art, because you lacked inspiration? Did you place it in the UFO pile (Unfinished Object) or even worse in the trash?  Only to later rescue it, and give it a second chance?  In doing so, did it become one...

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A Touch of Wild just received an Award of Excellence

A Touch of Wild just received an Award of Excellence

"Touch of Wild" 2020 Gateway to Art Virtual Exhibition Juror by Brigham Dimick I am so excited to receive an Award of Excellence for my miniature art piece "Touch of Wild"  from The Gateway Artist East Guild virtual Exhibition "2020 Gateway Art."  To see all the art...

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