When I go out into nature, I am always fascinated by what I see.  This spring has been full of wonderous flowering plants some familiar to me and some new ones that have introduce themselves, as I walked various gardens in my explorations. Even in my own garden the tulips came up and stayed for a long while bringing such joy with pink, yellow, orange and red blooms, and when they open, they have a striking brightness of color, I didn’t know existed.  At present, the irises are blooming around the neighbors’ gardens, and throughout my community with their blues, white and yellows standing so grandiose as if to say look at me.

Around this time 15 years ago, I decided to become a full-time artist.  Only four years prior to me making that decision, I had just learned how to stitch and I was captivated by the ability to use fabric and thread to express the beauty which our world is constantly offering.  Owning up to the reality that I was an artist was a very difficult decision for me, because I had no former training.  What I did know was that when I began to explore my creative side it was like the flood gates opened, and the world around me became the source that inspired my soul to create.  As I created, I then knew I had to share my creation with others.

The passion I have for creating art has keep me going especially when my mind continually tells me I am not good enough to merit being an Artist.  I have had to constantly overcome the hurdles of doubt, rejection, and criticism both inward and outward which come with the territory of being a creative.  It is important that I challenge myself to keep exploring the art I love, to keep learning new ways to express it, and trust my artistic abilities.  This way of thinking has kept me creating art, and it is hard to believe I am now celebrating 15 years of being an artist, doing what I truly love, creating art that is unique and beautiful and brings me such joy, and has brought joy to so many of you.  I can never stop saying thank you for following me, supporting me and enjoying the art.