“Springtime Blooms”

In creating art, I find that outside influences inspire me to try to create art that expresses how I feel from within.  Nature continually captivates me.  I finding it a joy to recreate it over and over again, and each time, I hope I am able to convey its intrinsic beauty.

I have spent the last few weeks watching the grass slowly turn from brown to a light shade of green through my window.  The trees are also growing leaf buds, and the spring bulbs, which I finally planted last fall, have started making an appearance with their leaves pushing through the ground.  The days are beginning to warm up, and today I ventured out to enjoy the sun, the warm breeze, and to be among the new life that is emerging.

I am inspired!  I see natures creativity come alive throughout the landscape.  The plants, trees and grass are growing, and I anticipate the bursting of more colors that will happen in a few short weeks.  There is something about spring that is so inviting after having a very somber winter.  Until then I am grateful, I can imagine and create art like “Springtime Blooms” to brighten up every day.