It was early March 2020, and I had just finished taping 3 episodes, demonstrating how I create some of my art, for Quilting Arts TV when Vivika Hansen DeNegre Editor of Quilting Arts Magazine approached me.  She asked me if I would consider sharing my art through the magazine, and of course I said yes.  I  was trilled, and even though I kept my composure, inside I was doing the happy dance!

Since I started creating art one of my dreams was to be featured in my favorite quilting magazine Quilting Arts!  Now a year later not only was I feature in the magazine, but my art is in the cover as well.  Since I began creating art, I have realized that dreams can come true, and it was no mistake that “Dreamy Reef” was the art piece selected for the cover!   The picture above was taken the day I received the magazine in the mail!

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the magazine in which digital or physical copies, as well as subscriptions to the magazine are now available at Quilting Daily please CLICK HERE