There is something so beautiful about this time of year, as I look out onto the landscape of bare trees with their shapely trunks and crooked limbs, they bring a calm to my hectic days causing me to pause and truly breathe.

For me fall comes alive with my participation in festivals and gallery receptions. It makes those long hours in the studio creating art worthwhile when I am able to finally share it, and connect with people who have an appreciation for art.

Creating art for me is an open door to having conversations with people about creativity.   It is wonderful to be able to hear stories about what other creative souls find exciting to create and share.  It makes me grateful to watch people come alive as they share their passion, it connects me to them, and my world seems smaller and more beautiful, because of the power creativity has on each one of us.

If you have not noticed by now, my creative expression is inspired by the natural world and all that it has to offer as it changes from season to season.  I never get tired of the subject matter, for each season changes from the last, and when I take a moment to look outside, I might just be surprised to see something new, exciting and beautiful that I had not seen before.

“Fall’s End” was inspired by the colorful autumn that has gone with the breeze, and the last of the leaves on the trees hang precariously on their branches waiting for the Northwind to come and blow them onto the earth to nourish it for the coming spring.