“Awakening into Beauty”
Chaos is a good way to describe the first two months of this year, so many things are happening which are so confusing that it is easy to do nothing but be paralyzed by the uncertainty of what may happen next. Instead of being powerless, I choice to educate myself, and understand the issues confronting America, the place I call home.
Being creative has been a wonderful way for me to process my emotions, and not lose myself in anger and fear, but to find my strength in love and connectiveness. Art is the most wonderful way to express oneself. It has open doors for me to share my love of nature and to connect with all kinds of people that I would never have had the opportunity to meet or even converse with. It has broadened my world view and brought so much understanding and love for diversity.
I will continue to create, and express love through my art. I hope you will find creative ways to find peace and love through these uncertain times, and to share your creative self with others.