And the Winner is……

And the Winner is……

CONGRATULATIONS Robbie Payne!!!! A Page from the Hand-stitched Surface book I was so excited to call Robbie Payne, of Goodrich Michigan to let her know that she won  the hand-stitched surface book by Lynn Krawczyk! Thank you all for all who commented on my blog, and...
the hand-stitched surface blog post

the hand-stitched surface blog post

Lynn Krawczyk of Smudged Design Studio, author of “the hand-stitched surface, asked me to be a part of her Blog Hop.  How Fun! She asked me to share one of my favorite stitch, and I thought, “I have so many,” that I decided to share the one thing that gets the...
the hand-stitched surface blog post

Blog Hop – the hand-stitched surface

I am excited to be a part of a Blog Hop which will start on July 9 – July 14.  Five wonderful stitch artists and myself will be sharing some hand stitching tips, showing some of our own hand stitching work, and talking about a wonderful hand stitch book title, “The...
Silk Ribbon Wildflower Garden

Silk Ribbon Wildflower Garden

I will be teaching this workshop at the Craft Alliance Center of Art & Design on Saturday June 2, 2018, from 11am – 3pm click here for more information and Registration  
Exhibiting at Hall of Frames

Exhibiting at Hall of Frames

You can now see some of my art at the Hall of Frames shop and gallery in O’Fallon. Great people to work with, in sharing art and framing.