The Act of Creating

The Act of Creating

“Awakening into Beauty” Chaos is a good way to describe the first two months of this year, so many things are happening which are so confusing that it is easy to do nothing but be paralyzed by the uncertainty of what may happen next.  Instead of being...
Wind of Change

Wind of Change

It is that time of year when change is evident as a new season arrives.  Where I live it is fall, and looking out the window, I see trees transforming from green to vibrant yellow, oranges and reds, and it is beautiful, but at the same time it reminds me that life is...
Thinking Outside the Box

Thinking Outside the Box

I am finding out that approaching what I do with a different twist allows me to see the beauty around me and what I create in a beautiful new light.  This does not mean totally changing what I do, it just means bringing different elements into the picture, for example...
Reigniting the Embroidery Arts

Reigniting the Embroidery Arts

Some of you may not know that my adventures with embroidery began in my forties. My creative stitching journey began in 2004, the only stitching I had done up to this time was hemming, when I finally took the time to explore creative courses at craft and quilt...
Captivating Moments

Captivating Moments

Have you ever looked at the sky just before it starts to get dusk and see a beautiful full moon.   There is something captivating about the “day moon” that I find fascinating. As an artist, moments that capture my attention merit being recreated in my art.  A while...