I am welcoming this year as a new beginning, with a renewed sense of awareness of where my artistic journey is leading me.  Last year, I learned the value of asking questions.  Questions help me awaken new paths that await, and don’t allow me to stagnate.  Questions such as, what is beyond what I know? If I walk towards “the unknown” will I be open to what it offers? Can I express my feelings through my art?  Can I expand my artistic voice? And finally, how will my art emerge as I enter a new sphere of creative possibilities.

Last year, I spent a semester taking a fiber class at the university in my area.  It was hard work, but worth the challenge.  I went to school to see if I was missing any information needed to continue developing my artistic talents.   I learned that despite not having prior art education, I had acquired the needed knowledge throughout my creative journey that enabled me to succeed in this course.

Going back to school helped me face my haunting doubts that I was not a good enough artist.  It helped me realize I was not lacking in artistic talent.  By doing the work and having open mindedness, I learned that I was successful at the assignments given.  I also realized that my tenaciousness to get the work done and go beyond what was expected of me made me a determined artist, which is a good artistic quality to have.  I acquired confidence, and I am going to continue to explore beyond the comfortable place of “what I know” to new realms of creative explorations.

The second thing that school encouraged me to think about was to give a voice to what I create, but also what feelings arise through my art in myself and in others.    What was I trying to convey with my creations?  Up to this point my creations were about the simple beauty that I saw.

Creativity goes deeper than just seeing and creating it.  It is about voicing and feeling and expressing.  I am beginning to give my creativity a voice that expresses the deeper reasons for creating art.  For example, the need to create nature scenes comes from the way I feel in nature.  It gives me a sense of belonging to a beautiful world that is filled with wonder.

What I create produces many feelings within me.  A sprawling landscape gives me a sense of freedom, while flowers make me feel like I am receiving a warm welcome from special friends. Ocean scenes express uniqueness which I identify with so intently.  When I create nature, I hope I am conveying to you this deeper beauty, and hopefully make you feel these things too.  I hope this Year bring you a renewed sense of how art and creativity speaks to you!